Finding Peace in God's Sovereignty

One of the toughest challenges for us is accepting that God is in control of everything, even amidst chaos, anguish, and pain. It’s hard to believe that God is managing it all. The story of Job highlights a man who, more than just "patient," remained faithful to God in every circumstance. From Job's experiences, we learn some vital lessons about "resting in God's sovereignty" (Job 42:1-6).

1. GOD KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING (Isaiah 55:9)

Job had to acknowledge that he couldn’t grasp what the Lord was doing. When we face difficulties and see so many problems around us, we question if God knows what He’s doing. We often forget that, as humans, we aren’t capable of evaluating God's works. Our best course is to trust in God's wisdom.

2. GOD KNOWS OUR LIMITS (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Whether it’s temptation, trials, or tribulations, God knows our limits. This was true for Job and is true for you. If someone succumbs to trials, it’s because they weren’t relying on God to withstand them. Believe that the Lord won’t let you face anything you cannot endure. God isn’t testing your limits; He already knows them! He won’t abandon you.


In light of God's sovereignty and infinite power, what can we do to stop God from being God? The obvious answer is: nothing! Job showed this attitude of submission from the start. He endured his misfortunes because of this submission. We need to learn from Job’s example.

4. WE CAN TRUST IN GOD'S JUSTICE (2 Thessalonians 1:4-5)

No matter what happens, trust in God's justice. Despite everything he went through, Job never stopped trusting in the Lord's justice. We might not have answers for everything happening in our lives and the world, but we can be sure of one thing: God is Just!


Even if we are in pain now, doubting there’s a way out of our suffering or wondering if we will ever find peace again, God is working for a greater good in the end. We might not understand the consequences of everything in this life, but we can be certain that God is the Lord of history. At the end of Job's story, we see him acknowledging God’s sovereignty (Job 42:1-6). Notably, in verse 5, Job says: "My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you." Job’s relationship with God wasn’t superficial. God was proud of His servant. Yet, Job realized that all he knew of the Lord was just "hearsay." Now he truly knew Him. Job came to know the Lord through tribulation and anguish. If you’ve read Job’s story, you know that God rewarded his faithfulness and restored everything he had lost, multiplied.

So here’s some encouragement for you: "rest in God's sovereignty"!



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